About us

ZAI Ziegler and Aulbach Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

We are a consulting engineering company for civil engineering focusing on geotechnical engineering. Construction pits, foundations, tunnels, slopes or disposal sites are in the scope of our work. This includes feasibility-studies and consulting during all phases of realization. Delivering high quality is our primary goal, both in terms of consulting and in providing expert opinions. However, we always remain flexible in order to find a tailor-made solution for the specific demands of our customers. To do so, we rely on many years of practical experience in combination with a high level of expertise.  We are also pleased to share our know-how in individually adapted seminars and professional training programs.

About us
ZAI Ziegler and Aulbach Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

We are a consulting engineering company for civil engineering focusing on geotechnical engineering. Construction pits, foundations, tunnels, slopes or disposal sites are in the scope of our work. This includes feasibility-studies and consulting during all phases of realization. Delivering high quality is our primary goal, both in terms of consulting and in providing expert opinions. However, we always remain flexible in order to find a tailor-made solution for the specific demands of our customers. To do so, we rely on many years of practical experience in combination with a high level of expertise.  We are also pleased to share our know-how in individually adapted seminars and professional training programs.


After working  for a big German construction company for thirteen years, in 2000 Prof. Ziegler was appointed to a professorship for geotechnical engineering at RWTH Aachen University. Since then, Prof. Ziegler has kept  contact to the practice. He managed that on the one hand by handling practical subjects in research, but particularly by his permanent activities as an expert and consultant.

In 2007, the cornerstone of the cooperation between the two managing partners Prof. Ziegler and Dr.-Ing. Aulbach was placed by the employment of Dr.-Ing. Aulbach at the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering at RWTH Aachen. The good collaboration, especially on various construction projects and expert reports was the reason for continuing teamwork beyond the work at the university.

Because of many successful projects, the ZAI Ziegler and Aulbach Ingenieurgesellschaft was founded in May 2013. Since June 2013, ZAI has had its first company headquarters in the premises of Schloss Rahe in the middle of the Euregio Maas-Rhein in the border region of Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

With seven successful years in Aachen, ZAI moved to Aschaffenburg in July 2020. By moving to the Frankfurt Rhein-Main Metropolitan Area, ZAI is now located closer and faster to its customers e.g. in Berlin, Hamburg or Munich. At the same time, ZAI stays attached to its old headquarters and is still represented in Aachen.

Our team

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In addition to the managing directors Prof. Ziegler and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aulbach there is a  team of permanent employees and freelancers available for you, which has extensive expertise in geotechnical engineering.

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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ziegler

Managing Director

former Professor at RWTH Aachen.
Expert in: geosynthetics, standardization, damage cases, ground freezing.

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Aulbach

Managing Director

Professor at FHWS in Würzburg.

Expert for: geohydraulics, damage cases, ground freezing.

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Dr.-Ing. David Koppmann


Civil Engineer.

Expert for: geothermal energy, thermal calculations, ground freezing.

Mail: d.koppmann[a]zai-ingenieure.de

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Anna Gödde, M. Sc.


               Civil Engineer.                

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Dipl.-Ing. Martin Feinendegen


Academic director at RWTH Aachen. Expert for anchors, rock mechanics, adhesion, abrasion.

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Prof. Dr. techn. Ansgar Kirsch


Professor for Geotechnics at FH Aachen. Expert for: numerics, tunnel construction.

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Niklas Lentzkow, B. Sc.


Civil Engineering Student.

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Sebastian Torka


Civil Engineering Student.

Klara Schwab, B. Sc.


Civil Engineering Student.

Merja Völker


Civil Engineering Student.

Dipl.-Ing. / M. Sc. / B. Sc.


Civil Engineer.
Specialization Geotechnical Engineering.

Managing Partners

2023 11 Zie groß

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ziegler

Prof. Ziegler was born on 24th March 1954 in Oberkirch. He studied civil engineering at University of Karlsruhe before he acted there as a scientific assistant at the Institute for soil and rock mechanics between 1980 and 1987. After his dissertation about the subject “Calculation of the displacement-dependent earth pressure in sand” he worked in the technical department “Soil and Hydraulic Engineering” of the Philipp Holzmann AG from 1987 till 1991. Following his function as a site manager and contract manager he became the head of the department “Disposal Site and Remediation Technology” (1992-1995) and finally the director of the section “Infrastructure Project” (1995-1998). As of 1998 Prof. Ziegler took over the management of the “Philipp Holzmann Planning Company” in Neu-Isenburg. In 2000 he finally became the holder of the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Engineering and the head of the Institute of Foundation Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics and Waterways Construction at RWTH Aachen University, whose fortunes he successfully managed until September 2020 and hence for over 20 years. Since 2013 Prof. Ziegler is managing partner of the ZAI Ziegler and Aulbach Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH. Beside his function as manager Prof. Ziegler is a member of numerous boards and committees, in many of them as board member and chairman.

Mail: ziegler[a]zai-ingenieure.de

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Aulbach

Prof. Aulbach was born on 16th June 1979 in Aschaffenburg. He studied civil engineering with emphasis on geotechnical engineering, reinforced concrete construction as well as Railroad, Highway and Traffic Engineering at TU Darmstadt. Meanwhile Prof. Aulbach was - amongst aother things - employed at the GeoIngenieure Früchtenicht und Lehmann GmbH in the framework of soil investigation from 2004 to 2007. Afterwards Prof. Aulbach became scientific assistant at the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering at RWTH Aachen. In 2013 he received his doctor’s degree “with distinction” for the topic “Hydraulic Heave – For the required embedded length of construction pits in non-cohesive soil”. Since 2013 Prof. Aulbach is managing partner of the ZAI Ziegler and Aulbach Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH. In 2020 he followed the call to the FHWS in Würzburg, where he is responsible for geotechnics at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering and also lectures in the field of building operations.

Mail: aulbach[a]zai-ingenieure.de