Joining forces for success!
Due to previous as well as current activities, memberships and offices of the managers, we have a broad network and outstanding contacts.
Thus we can fall back on the support and expertise of large experts and specialist companies even at different fields of activity, if necessary.
Due to the function of Prof. Ziegler as former chair holder and the long lasting activity of Prof. Aulbach at RWTH Aachen University, we have best private contacts to the several chairs and institutes of civil engineering as well as to related faculties.
In particular because of the contact to the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering ( and the Institute of Geomechanics and Underground Technology at RWTH University, we are able to plan, coordinate and control laboratory and technical tests, this includes the monitoring of testing anchors and sophisticated numerical investigations as well.
With the appointment of Prof. Aulbach to the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg (, ZAI's network of experts has been expanded once again.
Furthermore we dispose of a broad network outside of RWTH Aachen University and FHWS. Thus we can come back quickly and straightforwardly on the support of experts in their own subject area, e.g. reinforced concrete construction or building legislation, if issues go beyond the scope of the geotechnical engineering.
In the field of energy sheet pile walls, we closely cooperate with our partner and patent holder for the thermal activation of steel sheet piles, FET Future Energy Technologies PLC. This applies to the areas of acquisition and project development as well as to planning.
Prof. Ziegler
Held Functions
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aulbach