On March 29, 2023, the spring conference of Geotechnics Switzerland was held on the topic of "Dewatering, Drainage and Waterproofing" in Biel-Bienne.
To kick off the conference, Professor Ziegler addressed the different forms of action of water in the soil in his lecture entitled "When the soil starts to swim - considerations on hydraulic failure". In his entertaining lecture, he dealt with the topics of shrinkage and swelling, uplift, erosion and soil liquefaction as well as hydraulic heave. In addition to conveying the respective theoretical knowledge, Professor Ziegler provided a practical reference with illustrative reports from research and various construction projects.
On the subject of hydraulic heave, Professor Ziegler also presented the ZAI-HYD program developed by Professor Aulbach for calculating the required embedment depth for safety against hydraulic heave. ZAI provides the program free of charge on request. If you are interested, you can contact us here.